Activity 7 – Information and publicity

This activity envisions a package of measures aimed at carrying out an active information and policy both for the project target groups and for the general public on the Norwegian Finance Mechanism 2014-2021, the implementation, impact and results of the support from the financial mechanism for the project, as well as on the cooperation with […]

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Activity 6 – Development of new NIJ website. Provision of technical equipment, ensuring NIJ training and institutional capacity

The activity envisions the development of modern and interactive website with a user-friendly and responsive design, providing adequate functionalities for integrating and structuring various types of data base, data visualization, search engines optimization, etc Welcome to the new website of the National Institute of Justice The website of the National Institute of Justice was developed […]

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Activity 5 – Application of innovative model of in-work judicial training. Shared learning spaces for the development of knowledge, skills and competences

The establishment of shared learning spaces within the bodies of the Judiciary is viewed as an innovative instrument for the development of the in-work judicial training model. The tailor-made training at the workplace is qualified as a particularly hands-on and efficient method for enhancing the professional skills and competences of Bulgarian magistrates and judicial staff, […]

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Activity 4 – Reinforcement and reinvigoration of the human rights forum

The activity envisions the reinforcement of the human rights forum established by the Supreme Judicial Council in the framework of the project “Support to the Supreme Judicial Council related to capacity building and improving the efficiency of the judiciary”, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, as a sustainable information exchange platform and expert assistance […]

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Activity 3 – development of easily accessible and up-to-date self-learning resources (training manuals, handbooks, reference guides, etc.) as an efficient means to strengthening professional knowledge and skills

The implementation of this activity envisions the development of 10 self-study resources, focused on the enhancement of the knowledge, skills and competencies of legal professionals. The self-study resources will be developed by renowned practitioners and experts, taking into consideration their expertise and experience on the respective topic of the self-study resource. The NIJ project “Modern […]

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Activity 2 – Strengthening competences and skills of judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals in application of the fundamental rights

The activity is focused on the delivery of trainings and the provision of support with training materials in Bulgarian on issues, related to the implementation of the European legal framework in the context of the system of fundamental rights and the rule of law. Trainings will be organized in complementary formats (face-to-face, e-learning and/or blended […]

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Activity 1 – Elaboration of framework for sustainable judicial training on fundamental rights and the rule of law

The main objective of the activity is to adopt a comprehensive approach towards fundamental rights and rule of law training, taking stock of the specific target groups, type of the training (mandatory initial training/continuous), the particular subject matter and training formats to be deployed (stand-alone targetted training on fundamental rights and/or integrating human rights issues […]

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