The NIJ project “Modern learning environment for judges, prosecutors, investigating magistrates and other legal professionals”, funded under the Justice Programme of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism2014-2021, envisages the development of 10 self-study resources (manuals) for the development of the knowledge, skills and competences of the professional community at all levels of the judiciary. These resources reflect the judicial training standards for the effective performance of duties at different levels of the judiciary, adopted by the NIJ Board in March 2022. In July 2022, a working group was established with the participation of the judges, prosecutors and investigating magistrates who had been involved in the development of the judicial training standards, to structure the content of the new training resources. The training content and the trainers who will take part in the development of the manuals was coordinated with the NIJ Program Council on 10 February 2023.
The training resources are due to be developed and published by April 2024.