Virtual exchange of professional experience and good practices between the NIJ and the Norwegian Courts Administration

On June 24, 2021 (Thursday), the National Institute of Justice organized an online study visit to the institutions in Norway that organize judicial training in the field of fundamental rights and the rule of law.

The visit was held in the form of virtual exchange of professional experience and good practices and was attended by magistrates, judicial employees, experts and other specialists with profound knowledge and practical experience in the field.

On behalf of the Norwegian partners, presentations were made by a Supreme Court magistrate from Oslo; the deputy director of the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution, the head of the International Secretariat of the Norwegian Courts Administration and a competence development expert for the judiciary. The topics, subject to discussion between the digital visit participants were: the structure and functioning of the judiciary in Norway, the role of the Norwegian Courts Administration, the educational methods for enhancing professional competencies of magistracy, the academic and professional education in the field of fundamental rights and the rule of law. The last topic was dedicated to the specialized institutions in Norway, working in the field of human rights protection.

The participants were members of a working group under Activity 1 „Elaboration of framework for sustainable judicial training in the field of fundamental rights and the rule of law“, under the Project „Modern learning environment for judges, prosecutors, investigating magistrates and other legal professionals“, implemented by the National Institute of Justice with the assistance of “Justice” Program of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

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